Transform Your Life With an Unstoppable Mindset

  • Adapt to uncertain times with an unstoppable mindset
  • Gain clarity into who you want to become
  • Go into every Monday with an unstoppable plan
  • Execute on bigger goals you’ve been stuck on

Transform Your Life With an Unstoppable Mindset

  • Adapt to uncertain times with an unstoppable mindset
  • Gain clarity into who you want to become
  • Go into every Monday with an unstoppable plan
  • Execute on bigger goals you’ve been stuck on

Join the Unstoppable Life Accelerator

From Unstoppable Members

Alex Field
Halifax, Canada

TK has a knack for breaking down complex problems into easily digestible steps. His strategies have helped create a structure where I thought it couldn't be created.

Lindsay Melo
Burlingame, California

Your inspirational and completely tangible approach to perceive, structure, and execute a productive week, make so much sense. I have shared the movement with friends, colleagues and even my young teenage kids!!! Everyone can benefit from this movement, no matter their profession, age, past behaviors or bad habits. Keep it coming TK!!

Marianne Meeder
St. Louis, MI

I love Unstoppable Sundays. The best thing I got out of it is to nurture your personal life and your business success will follow. TK taught me the principles to create balance by focusing on a strategic personal life plan and building my support network. This ensures that as a business owner you avoid burn out. His energy makes me feel I am on the road to becoming UNSTOPPABLE!

Go into Mondays with an Unstoppable Plan

You’ll start with our weekly planning practice so you go into every Monday without having to face the Sundary Scaries or the Monday morning dread. More importantly, you’ll adopt the habits so you get the most out of every week.

Gain Clarity, Adapt and Build a Life Plan

You can’t go faster if you don’t know where you are going. Follow our process to gain clarity about your life and create your life plan that will show you how you need to adapt now to survive and how you can thrive in the long term.

Execute on Your Plans with 45-Day Challenges

Armed with clarity, you’ll stop hemming and hawing and start to execute with certainty. We’ll teach you how to do 45-Day challenges with action plans to drive execution and accountability while managing for burnout.

How to Punch Sunday Jitters in the Face

Learn More from TK’s Best-Selling Book

It’s Sunday afternoon. You’re rounding out your weekend with friends and family and life is feeling great. As the hours pass through the afternoon and you start to see Monday approaching, you get that pit in your stomach. Call it the Sunday Scaries, the Sunday Jitters, the Sunday Angst or the Sunday existential “What am I even doing with my life?!” — We’ve all been there.

TK lived his life trying to escape the Sunday jitters, dreading Mondays, and holding his breath through the week just counting down to weekends for all too long until he said enough is enough. He learned (almost too late) in his life that taking a proactive approach to his days led to a calmer him. A less frantic him.

How to Punch Sunday Jitters in the Face

5-Star Reviews on Amazon

Josh Kuiros

May 12, 2019

Makes you act and not just think on it

How to Punch the Sunday Jitters in the Face is the perfect antidote for anyone feeling stuck or lost on the way to achieving their goals. Not only does this book help you discover the best version of yourself, but it also gives you the confidence that you deserve to be that person and it teaches you exactly how to get there.

Too many books focus on high-level concepts that are easily forgotten or hard to put into practice in real life. How to Punch the Sunday Jitters in the Face provides a concrete instruction manual filled with tools, like Unstoppable Sundays and the 45-Day Unstoppable Beast Mode Challenge, that are simple and effective.

While reading this book, I found myself highlighting entire pages that felt like they were speaking directly to my innermost thoughts. The section on upper limiting/fear of success and how to overcome it was incredibly powerful.

After completing my first Unstoppable Sunday, I can tell you that it works. I’m looking forward to continuing to utilize these newly acquired tools in my tool belt to achieve my most audacious goals.

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TK Kader • 89,805 views • Oct 07, 2020